Choosing the best retirement facility is a task that requires careful planning, thought, and reviews of potential locations. Recovering from a wrong decision at this season in life can be extremely difficult. There are a few pitfalls you can avoid when choosing a retirement facility. At Wesley Enhanced Living, we can educate you on moving to a continued care retirement community (CCRC.) We understand that you need to make the best decision for your situation.

8 Pitfalls You Should Avoid in Choosing Your CCRC

Alleviate mistakes when you learn from others on their journey to find the perfect retirement facility. Consider these 8 pitfalls:
  1. Keeping Your Rose-colored Glasses On!: It is important that you take into account your current needs and your future needs. While you may feel “fit as a fiddle” today, one day in the future, you may need higher levels of care. Look for facilities that can provide the various levels of care you may need as you age.
  2. Judging a Book by Its Cover: Assumptions can give you and your loved ones a lot of frustration and heartache if things do not work out with your choice of a CCRC. Just because a facility is shiny and brand new does not mean the level of care and benefits are better. On the same token, a well-worn facility does not imply that the degree of care is less. Take the time to investigate services thoroughly.
  3. Making It All About You: If you are the caregiver of an elderly parent or family member, you may want to choose a facility that fits your needs rather than that of your parent. Instead, keep your senior engaged in the process and ask them what they would like to see in a CCRC.
  4. Settling Because of Proximity: While your family may want you close so they can visit daily, you may be too busy to visit with them. Additionally, the closest facility to your family may not be able to support your needs like one that is a little further away.
  5. Making a Split Decision: It is easy to become overwhelmed with the process of finding the best CCRC. Avoid making a rash decision. Visit several facilities to find the perfect place for you to retire.
  6. Choosing Based on Who the Parent “Was” Instead of Who They “Are”: As a caregiver, you might want to find a CCRC that seems the best choice for your mom based on who you remember her to have been. Times and people change. Alzheimer’s and dementia can affect how your loved one reacts to new things. Take a good look at your senior and choose a retirement community based on who they are now, keeping in mind their limitations.
  7. Avoiding the Fine Print: It is easy to find what you think is a perfect place and later learn of fee hikes you did not anticipate because you did not read the fine print. While CCRC contracts can be pretty straightforward, it is always a good idea to check out the fine print.
  8. Playing the Lone Ranger: You might enjoy your independence, but there are times when having a helping hand makes sense. This especially makes sense when you are considering your retirement future. Reach out to friends and family for feedback and help.
Avoid making a poor choice of continuing care retirement community by paying heed to these pitfalls. Contact a Wesley Enhanced Living community and learn why our seniors love living here. Our team will be glad to answer your questions, give you a tour, and educate you on the benefits of our CCRCs.