Wesley Enhanced Living Foundation

The Wesley Enhanced Living Foundation (WELF) supports our residents and communities through charitable giving programs, such as the Benevolent Care Fund.  This fund makes it possible for Wesley Enhanced Living, as a non-profit, to provide financial assistance to those residents who have outlived their resources.

We ask that every resident consider WELF in their estate planning so that this vital work can continue. Further, if a donor chooses, a donation can be made in honor of a special occasion or as a memorial tribute for a life well-lived.

Ways you can provide support to the Wesley Enhanced Living communities include:

  • Cash Gifts
  • Monthly Pledges
  • Memorial Gifts
  • Estate Bequests
  • Insurance Policy Benefits

Donations to WELF can be made by cash, check, or credit card. For additional information or to learn more about how you can support WELF and the seniors we serve contact Jeff Petty, President & CEO at 215-354-0565 or jpetty@wel.org.

Call today for availability. We’d love to talk with you! 877-824-3935