It’s 2020! It is a new month, a new year, and a new decade! There is no better time than now to take charge and develop some healthy habits! Why Weight?

Whether you have made a Resolution for 2020 to get healthy, or not, developing healthy habits will improve your overall wellbeing for this year and beyond! Here are some tips to keep you healthy and thriving all year long:

  • Drink Up. Drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of water each day. I find that drinking 32oz in the morning when I wake up is a great way to get my body going and give me a jump on my water intake for the day. Need a little flavor? Instead of drinking sugary drinks like soda, try substituting flavorful infused water like blueberry basil, cucumber lemon, or grapefruit jalapeno to name a few options.
  • Eat More of the right foods. Know your food groups and include them in each meal. Planning ahead makes it easier to track what you are eating and how much. Choose a variety of colorful foods to fill your plate. And to ensure that you feel satisfied make sure to mix and match food groups! Start your meal off with 8oz of water and eat slowly so you can savor your meal. Even when eating out, you can make healthy choices by avoiding fried foods and enjoying smaller portions. 
  • Get Enough Sleep. Sleep is as important as eating, drinking, and breathing.We need to let our bodies rest in order to avoid physical or mental health problems that can come from sleep deprivation. Strive for 7-8 hours of sleep each night. 
  • Exercise. By committing to just 30-minutes a day you can take huge steps to improving your health. Whether you prefer to focus on aerobic exercise, strength training, yoga, or just walking, you will be able to build your endurance, flexibility, balance, and strength. Simple changes like taking the stairs or parking further away can help you take steps in the right direction! 

At Wesley Enhanced Living, we care about the wellbeing of our employees and offer benefits and perks like our Wellness Program that offers incentives to reduce the cost of medical benefits for eligible employees, tobacco cessation, weight loss and fitness reimbursement programs, Wellness Challenges, and educational newsletters. This January, our employees are encouraged to sign up for the “Why Weight?” challenge.  This four week challenge is designed to help educate employees and get them on track to developing healthy habits. Employees are able to earn points for each healthy step they take and will be entered into raffles to win $50, $100, or other incentives just for participating! 

At Wesley Enhanced Living, we have cultivated an environment where you are able to build meaningful and lasting relationships, truly connect to our mission of making an impact in the lives of others, and enjoy a sense of community where everyone is committed to making a difference.  If you are ready to make a compelling difference in the lives of others, join our team and we will make a difference together. Apply today at!