The Legacy of Harry Bodkin Lives on at Wesley Enhanced Living
The Legacy of Harry Bodkin Lives on at Wesley Enhanced Living
Harry Bokin, a former resident of Wesley Enhanced Living Pennypack Park, left behind a legacy of selflessness that has impacted the lives of residents throughout all of the Wesley Enhanced Living communities. A truly generous spirit, Mr. Bodkin noticed a few fellow residents without loved ones during the holiday season so he stepped up to remind them that they weren’t alone. With his own money and on his own time, Mr. Bodkin filled stockings with gifts for these lonely residents and left them on doorsteps just in time for the holidays. This tradition quickly picked up speed and is now being practiced across all of the Wesley Enhanced Living communities.
Now facilitated by Wesley Enhanced Living Sales Manager and Harry Bodkin’s own granddaughter, Jennifer Anderson, the “Stockings for Seniors: In Memory of Harry Bodkin” initiative will be able to deliver 600 stockings this year to residents in all six Wesley Enhanced Living Communities.
The Bristol Times highlighted this story and the impact Mr. Bodkin’s legacy has made. Click here to read the full article.
The story was also featured in the following publications. Click the publication name to see the story:
Bristol Times
Hampton Times
Feasterville Trevose Times
Northeast Times