Personal Care

Often, as we age, performing daily activities can become difficult. At Wesley Enhanced Living, we provide compassionate personal care assistance for older adults in need, as well as peace of mind for their families.
Our Personal Care Services Include:
  • Medication, bathing, hygiene, dressing, and grooming assistance
  • Three freshly cooked meals per day
  • Recreational and social activities

Indications that senior assistance may be needed include:

  1. Daily Activities
    • Help is needed with chores like housekeeping, grocery shopping, and laundry, and/or there’s uncertainty when now performing these once-familiar tasks
    • Difficulty turning doorknobs, getting out of chairs, putting on socks, etc.
    • Meal preparation has ceased, and there is a reliance on non-nutritious foods for meals
    • Evidence of spoiled foods in the refrigerator or of a dirty and cluttered home
  2. Self Care
    • Difficulty bathing, hair washing, or dressing
    • Weight Loss
    • Money management/missed bills
    • Accumulation of unopened mail
  3. Health Care & Medications
    • Failure to take medications timely or correctly
    • Missing doctor appointments/treatments
  4. Mobility & Travel
    • Compromise of safe driving ability
    • Walking Instability
    • Falling
  5. Activities & Friends
    • Loneliness/reclusiveness
    • Lack of socialization
  6. Safety
    • Items left on stove and resulting fires
    • Increased vulnerability to neighborhood crime, physical abuse, or scams

To learn more, contact us today. Click HERE or call 877-824-3935.

Call today for availability. We’d love to talk with you! 877-824-3935