Wesley Enhanced Living’s Kindness Committee is celebrating Earth Day by handing out flower seed packets to our employees with a reminder to “plant seeds of kindness and watch them grow!” Once planted, these seeds will bloom into flowers that will help pollinators, like bees and butterflies, transfer pollen and seeds from one flower to another, fertilizing plants so they can grow and produce food. Cross-pollination helps at least 30% of the world’s crops and 90% of our wild plants to thrive. A world without pollinators would be devastating for food production since these insects play such a vital role in creating a healthy environment and ecosystems.

It is important to take care of the Earth and this is how it all started…

History of Earth Day

Around fifty years ago a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California sparked a revolution. While college and university students across the United States were holding anti-war protests and sit-ins, a new battle was waging for our environment. Harnessing the student’s passion, then-Senator Gaylord Nelson announced an idea for a “national teach-in on the environment.” Thus since April 22, 1970, a time in between spring break and finals week, students across the nation have celebrated Earth Day, a time to focus on the planet’s well-being.

Earth Day did not stop with college campuses. For nearly a half-century, the movement has bonded many people from different political wings, economic statuses, and communities. It is estimated that almost one billion people from 192 countries observe Earth Day.

Earth Day celebrates the good things our planet has to offer while reminding us that we need to care for it. That requires dedication and commitment to making a positive impact. We have the same attitude at Wesley Enhanced Living. We seek individuals who are career-minded and desire to make the world a better place, one person at a time. Our opportunities allow you to deepen your knowledge, broaden your skills, and embrace our mission. 

If you want to make a compelling difference in the lives of others, are enthusiastic about life-long learning, and are seeking employment where your strengths will be valued, then please learn more about Wesley Enhanced Living’s career opportunities.