When senior living residents need assistance with medications or other activities of daily living, our dedicated personal care staff is here to help. An entire suite of private apartments has been designed exclusively for residents who require extra help with daily activities, such as medication supervision or assistance with dressing and bathing. Consider personal care comparable to what is commonly referred to as “assisted living” in other areas of the state and country. Our personal care residents are mobile and active--with the added support of our capable staff.

Independent Living and Personal Care Residences

Contact us at 215-220-9885 or fill out the form.

PC Placeholder Web
Contact Wesley Enhanced Living Pennypack Park

Residents of our community enjoy a relaxed, friendly environment that offers comfort and security in cheerful, modern studios and one-bedroom apartments, intimate dining areas, and cozy lounges. Plus, throughout the day there are plenty of opportunities to socialize and enjoy a broad selection of life-enriching activities. Personal care service levels are all-inclusive, so you or your loved one can easily budget for the monthly fee – which is one of the most affordable in the areaServices, depending on the level of care, include:

Included Personal Care Services

  • Three delicious, nutritious meals a day–all levels
  • A wide array of life-enriching programs and activities –all levels
  • Medication supervision
  • Assistance with bathing, dressing, and grooming, if needed
  • Escort to meals and activities, if needed
  • Oxygen maintenance and management
  • Assistance with self-care catheters
  • Insulin diabetic management
  • Wound care
  • Housekeeping and laundering of linens–all levels
  • Emergency response pendant
  • All utilities (except telephone)–all levels
  • Cable TV–all levels

Call today for availability. We’d love to talk with you! 877-824-3935