- Find Purpose in Your Daily Life: After you punch your time card for the last time at work, retirement presents itself as an opportunity to enjoy hobbies and thrive. Now is the perfect time to volunteer for your favorite charity or cause or discover new ways to occupy your time that help you feel useful again.
- Mitigate Loneliness: Did you have visions of spending extra time with your children and grandchildren when you retired? Have you discovered they are too busy to visit frequently? Now is not the time to let loneliness overrule the new phase of your life. Instead, it is the time to renew relationships with old friends and also make some new friends. At Wesley Enhanced Living communities, you can make those connections and participate in activities that keep you active and engaged.
- Focus on Your Health: Just because you can now lead a life of leisure does not mean you should lie on your couch, watching TV, and snacking on unhealthy foods. Instead, take better charge of your health and get active! Having an active lifestyle in your golden years enhances the enjoyment of other areas of your life, such as your purpose and relationships.
Common Aging Issues and How to Deal with Them
Common Aging Issues and How to Deal with Them
In today’s era of advanced medicine, it is now possible to stop working at 65 and still have plenty of time to enjoy your retirement. Maybe you look forward to playing golf each day or rediscovering a hobby from the years before you had a family and responsibilities. While thoughts of lazy days may include doing what you want, when you want is attractive, it may not be quite what you envisioned. It is not uncommon for seniors to face boredom and loneliness as they come to terms with retirement. Loss of stamina and chronic ailments like arthritis, respiratory diseases, or even plain old forgetfulness may leave you wondering if this is all there is left to live. You do not have to endure aging alone when you move to Wesley Enhanced Living. Our communities strive to help you not only handle aging but also remain independent and even flourish during your golden years.
How to Handle Common Aging Issues
Growing “old” does not mean you have to quit living. Quite the contrary! When you understand the most common problems that you may face, you are equipped to blossom in retirement.